2021 Reunions
Reunions are back!
In another first for the OBGS, due to these unusual times, the OBGS AGM was held via Zoom!
We are pleased to announce the OBGS Committee members for 2020 are:
Tim Marshall (OB 2000) President
Sam Jewell (OB 2010) Vice President
Michael Osborne (OB 1985) Vice President
Andrew Biggin (OB 1969) Hon. Treasurer
Steve Dimer (OB 1996) Immediate Past President
Sam Paynter (OB 1986) Committee Member
Geoff Hosie (OB 1959) Committee Member
Roger Wilson (OB 1961) Committee Member
Charlie Wood (OB 2010) Committee Member
Kate Birrell Executive Officer / Hon Secretary
Headmaster Ross Featherston
Reunions are back!
Update on BGS for our Sequamur Society members.
Have a listen to Old Boys on these podcasts.