We are delighted to share with you our 2020 Impact of Giving Report which highlights the impact your support continues to make at Brighton Grammar School.
Whilst COVID-19 hampered our seeking of support for some of our philanthropic priorities in 2020, we are fortunate that your support in the past continues to positively impact the School.
We think particularly of the fourteen boys currently attending BGS on means-tested scholarships. Each one of these boys, quite simply, would not be able to attend a school such as ours without your support. It is so pleasing to see the way that these boys have embraced the spirit and culture of Brighton Grammar School and participate fully in the life of our School.
Our heartfelt thanks to those in our community who supported our inaugural Indigenous Scholarship Appeal in 2018. We are pleased to report that the recipient of this scholarship is doing remarkably well, enjoying his time at the School and looking forward to commencing Year 7 at the start of 2021. We look forward to welcoming more indigenous boys to the School in the future and invite members of our community, who are in a position to do so, to consider making a gift to these life-changing scholarships.
COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of our Bursary Fund. Our Assistance Appeal late in 2020 demonstrated the strength of our community and we were humbled by those connected to our School, particularly Old Boys, who were in a position to support our current families – families who were significantly impacted financially and whose sons’ education at BGS may have otherwise been jeopardised.
Soon we will embark upon the most significant project in our School’s history.
With the support of some very generous Junior School families, we were able to move forward with a timely project – the transformation of our Junior School’s Red Square. The standard of this vast multi-purpose space had fallen behind when compared to the calibre of other spaces in the Junior School. The project involved resurfacing the Red Square with multi-coloured artificial grass offering a far more inviting space for class lessons, assemblies and break times and has made a significant difference to a very heavily used area of the Junior School. A particular thanks to the families who were able to assist us to bring this project to life.
Whilst our achievements in recent years are many, to maintain our position as a leading school for boys, we need to plan and invest in the future now. Soon we will embark upon the most significant project in our School’s history – a project that will assist us to better equip our boys with the knowledge, the tools and the adaptability to negotiate the future and seize its opportunities. You will hear more about this vital project in coming months and we expect with support from our community, we will be able to commence this project before too long.
Finally, to those in our community who were in a position to support BGS philanthropically during a most unusual year, a sincere thanks.
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Peter Ickeringill | Ross Featherston |
Chairman | Headmaster |
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