The Brighton Grammar School community is spread across the globe and technology has made it easier than ever to stay in touch with the School. Technology has also made it very easy for members of our generous community to support the school philanthropically. And now, if you currently reside in the USA, Hong Kong or the UK, it is possible to receive a tax deduction in these countries when making a gift to BGS!
How is this possible you might ask? Well, through a partnership we have established with Chapel and York, a company with over 20 years’ experience establishing Foundations for this very purpose, it is a relatively straightforward process. You simply direct your gift through the relevant Foundation which then forwards your gift to BGS.
Residents of the USA
If you live in the USA, donations made through the Chapel and York US Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Residents of the UK
If you live in the UK, donations made through the Chapel and York UK Foundation qualify under Gift Aid, increasing your gift by 25%!
Residents of Hong Kong
If you live in Hong Kong, donations of HK$100 or more made through the Chapel & York HK Foundation are tax deductible.
Should you choose to make a gift to BGS, Chapel and York will issue you a receipt for your donation and will notify us at the same time. We then contact you to confirm where you would like your gift to be directed. For example, the BGS Scholarship or Building Fund.
Your gift, no matter the size, is truly valued. Further, 100% of your gift reaches BGS as we cover any administrative/gift fees.
If you currently reside in the UK, Hong Kong or the USA, and would like to find out more about how easy it is to make a tax deductible gift to BGS through the Chapel and York Foundations, please contact Hayley Galloway, Advancement Manager, at
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Did you know that BGS has a Foundation that assists the school to foster the interest and financial support of our community for the benefit of our boys?