BGS Generations
The greatest compliment that an Old Boy can pay his School is to enrol his son in his own School.
ELC Teacher Marg Coyne was pleased to welcome back some special Old Boys who are related to a current ELC student, Alexander Salem.
They were James (OB 2003), Andre (Alexander’s Dad, OB 2000), and Christian (OB 2013) Salem.
Christian Salem was in ELC4 in 2000 and taught by Marg Coyne and now plays footy for her beloved Demons. Marg has continued to follow Christian’s career closely.
We couldn’t resist the opportunity to get all the brothers together as proud father and uncles, three Old Boy brothers, and favourites of the same teacher – 20 years apart!
The greatest compliment that an Old Boy can pay his School is to enrol his son in his own School.
Lowe Living's mission is building homes, not just buildings.
Sam Paynter (OB 1986) reflects on being a BGS Generations family.